Saturday, June 26, 2010

Recycling Old Computers For Public School Use

We often read in forums frequented by i-café owners their own questions about how much to sell their computer units that had turned obsolete and unusable for the kind of services that they offer to customers. More often than not, the i-café owners get frustrated upon knowing how small will be the amount they would get for their obsolete computer units. Most, if not all, would rather keep the units in their stock rooms and forget all about them until the next batch of computer units get obsolete.

Knowing the occurrence of the above situation and the fact that most of the obsolete computer units may still be rehabilitated and recycled as useful machines for use of the country’s public schools, the iSchools Project of the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT) has embarked on a PC maintenance, recycling and e-waste management training-workshops to combat and benefit from the rapid increase in computer wastes. Recently, it has concluded training on troubleshooting, identifying parts of computer system that may be needing service or replacement, proper disposal of e-wastes and creative recycling of personal computers. The public high schools that were beneficiaries of the different computerization projects were also given the training.

The training and actual repair program resulted to an additional 512 computers or sixty-seven (67%) percent reuse rate of defective and/or obsolete PC units. Aside from having the otherwise hard-to-dispose computer parts to good use, recycling old computers for public schools should be a very nice public relations move by i-café owners. If pursued and done regularly, this image-building activity for i-cafés should go a long way in our efforts to be recognized as entities our roles in bridging the digital divide.


  1. [...] Recycling Old Computers For Public School Use | I-CAFÉ PILIPINAS [...]

  2. [...] Recycling O&#406&#1281 Computers F&#959r Public School U&#1109&#1077 | I-CAFÉ PILIPINAS [...]

  3. [...] Recycling Old Computers For Public School Use | I-CAFÉ PILIPINAS [...]


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