Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I-Café Pilipinas Supports 'Take Back The Tech!' Campaign

Take Back the Tech!’ is a collaborative global campaign that calls upon all ICT users to take control of technology and use it to change gender power relations. Aimed primarily at ending the electronic violence against women (eVAW), the campaign takes place from November 25 to December 10, 2010 dubbed as 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. It is a call to everyone - especially women and girls - to take control of technology to end violence against them. I-Café Pilipinas as the national advocacy body of the internet café industry in the country and its constituency being in the forefront of providing ICT services to the masses joined the workshop in the preparation of the action plans for the campaign and fully supports the objectives of Take Back the Tech!.

Take Back the Tech! campaign is open to participants from all regions of the world and all people interested in engaging with technology and the issue of violence against
women may join the campaign and be part of the change. The United Nations (UN) estimates that 95% of aggressive behaviour, harassment, abusive language and degrading images in online spaces are aimed at women. As more and more women go online using computers and mobile phones, many are silenced through acts of violence, sexism and censorship. It's time for everyone using ICT to do their share in the campaign to end violation against women.


  1. Very awesome! Maybe as an action, internet cafes can change all the homepage to the TBTT homepage on 10 Dec? International Human Rights Day? Here's the link to the internet cafe action:

  2. You are posting recent blog entries on twitter as well? If so I would like to know your account, so I can follow you there and be informed.


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